Think Feel Live founders, John and Carra Richling, are a brother and sister team with a shared vision and passion for life and empowering people to live healthy and happy lives. They are experts in their professions with over 70 years of collective experience and education in health, fitness, nutrition, wellness and personal development. They cultivated Think Feel Live (TFL)™ from integrating their experiences and understanding of Eastern traditions and cutting-edge Western science with their own practices of working with people to achieve optimal health and happiness.
Through their proprietary program, you will learn how to permanently reprogram unhealthy behaviors and dysfunctional belief systems by getting to the root cause of what drives unproductive thinking and destructive habits/patterns that keep you from living your best life. Through this simple, yet powerful method, thought patterns can be altered and sustainable lifestyle changes made that lead to optimal health, happiness and well-being. The principles and practices are simple, but the outcome is life changing.

My two greatest gifts were my brain processing disorder and genetic spinal disease. I was told at an early age that there was not solution for spinal disease. However, an osteopath that my father took me to told to get stronger and more flexible. But, he didn’t know how. Hence the journey began.
Through the journey, I developed my own system from my observation, instinct and intuitiveness of getting stronger and more flexible; then entering my first body building contest and won. I continued to compete and quickly rose to a national competitor. By the early age of 19, I successfully opened my own gym continuing my journey as competitive power body builder. I then moved to southern California working and developing my training system at Gold Gym Venice. I started teaching my system as the first class offered at Gold Gym. I am currently still teaching the same class for 21 years and it continues to be one the most attended classes at Gold Gym Venice.
The first day I had arrived in California, I was asked to be in the movie Down and Out in Beverly Hills, which led to several other roles in movies such as Batman Forever. Within the first month I landed my first commercial with Cher for Holiday Fitness which led to over a dozen more commercials and spots on several Game Shows as model fitness personality. I was featured on the cover of Muscle & Fitness and modeled for many other fitness magazines. I was a contributing writer for fitness magazines such Men’s Fitness and Muscle & Fitness.
While in California, I discovered my brain processing disorder was dyslexia. I had already developed over the years, effective learning techniques that I now include the training system of Think, Feel & Live.

My passion of living a healthy, abundant life and empowering others, started at a young age. Throughout my life, I have tenaciously pursed my vision of creating a healthier world and helping others create their best healthy and happy life. I have been driven to learn and experience the best practices of nutrition, exercise, psychology, spirituality and behavior change from both eastern and western medicine and cultures.
I have been blessed to have worked with top leaders in the area of lifestyle medicine and behavior change such as Dr. Dean Ornish which I have worked with since 1990s who has cultivated the field of lifestyle medicine showing the reversal of heart disease, early stage prostate cancer and currently the potential of reversing early stage Alzheimer’s disease. I have worked and trained with others such as Jon Kabat Zin, Laurel Mellin, and many more inspiring leaders and game changers.
In college I continued my pursuit of understanding health and behavior change with my first degree in Human Development & Family Studies; then followed my passion for nutrition with a degree in Nutrition & Dietetics with graduate work in Exercise Physiology/Sports Medicine. I have professional training and hold certifications as a Registered Dietitian, Health Coach, Personal Trainer, Trainer and Coach for EBT: Emotional Brain Training, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, Thought Field Therapy, and chef certifications from the Culinary Institute of America at Greystone and Rouxbe.
I have a comprehensive background of over 30 years of experience in health and wellness ranging from nutrition counseling and health coaching to developing, implementing and facilitating programs in lifestyle medicine. I have extensive training in integrated health and behavior change methods that promote sustainable lifestyle changes. I have been a contributing writer for the Ornish Living Magazine, Huffington Post, Men's Fitness, Muscle Fitness, Women's World and national best-selling books in health and wellness. One of my passions is empowering and teaching people to cook healthy, such my favorite and fun Livesteam, Cooking with Faith, with my daughter Faith.
I continue with my mission to guide and support each of you to live your best healthy and happy life...come join me!